1) What
So you got a Blur airdrop but have trouble claiming? Maybe you don't want to be forced to watch an unskippable ad? Maybe you don't want to be force to tweet? By pasting the URL of the airdrop site we can extract the claim transaction for you.
Your claim is safu. We don't need your private keys and we don't store any data. We just extract the claim transaction from the URL you provide.
Skip the ads, skip the tweets, skip the hassle. Just paste the URL and we'll extract the claim transaction for you and help you submit your airdrop claim straight to the blur airdrop contract
2) How
When you are eligible for and claim a Blur airdrop from blur.io/airdrop you are sent to the airdrop.blur.foundationsite with a long data query param attached to the end of the URL. This data contains information about your claim as well as the transaction that will be committed to the blockchain after passing a variety of front end checks and watching an animated presentation.
However, if you don't want to watch the presentation or if you don't want to be forced to tweet about the airdrop you can just paste the URL of the airdrop site into this tool and we will extract the claim transaction for you.
You still need to submit the transaction to the blockchain because only you can claim your airdrop. Nobody else can claim the airdrop for you. This tool only extracts the transaction from the URL you provide and offers you a way to submit the transaction to the blockchain.
Here is how you can do this yourself:
Grab the airdrop.blur.foundation URL from the address bar of your browser. You want to copy everything past the ?data= part of the URL. The string should start with ey
Go to base64decode.org and paste the string you copied in the first step and press decode.
You should now see a JSON object. Copy the txn property of the JSON object.
You now have the address to send an Ethereum transaction to and the data to send to that address.
However, how to actually send that transaction data is a little bit outside the scope of this description. If you've gotten this far, you can check that this tool, when we submit the claim transaction, that the data matches the data you extracted from the URL and the to address matches the blur airdrop contract
Paste your airdrop.blur.foundation?data= link here.
Get it from blur.io/airdrop (if you are eligible)
No airdrop data found